''//You wake up
In front of your face you see a digital alarm clock on a nightstand that reads 11:42 AM
Then it happens//''
[[What?->It Begins]]''//The alarms have started//''
p {
line-height: 15px;
color: red;
margin-top: 10px;
tw-link {
color: red;
.enchantment-mouseover {
border-bottom: 0px none;
\(set: _s to (text-style: "subscript"))
\(set: _TR to 0)
\(set: _n to (text-style: "none"))
(background: "https://media.istockphoto.com/videos/red-siren-light-flashing-and-spinning-video-id1124557210?s=640x640")[<p>''//^^w^^_s[e]^^e^^_s[o]^^o^^_s[w]^^e^^_s[e]^^o^^_s[o]^^w^^_s[e]^^e^^_s[o]^^o^^_s[w]^^e^^_s[e]^^o^^_s[o]^^w^^_s[e]^^e^^_s[o]^^o^^_s[w]^^e^^_s[e]^^o^^_s[o]^^w^^_s[e]^^e^^_s[o]^^o^^_s[w]^^e^^_s[e]^^o^^_s[o]^^w^^_s[e]^^e^^_s[o]^^o^^_s[w]^^e^^_s[e]^^o^^_s[o]^^w^^_s[e]^^e^^_s[o]^^o^^_s[w]^^e^^_s[e]^^o^^_s[o]^^w^^_s[e]^^e^^_s[o]^^o^^_s[w]^^e^^_s[e]^^o^^_s[o]^^w^^_s[e]^^e^^_s[o]^^o^^_s[w]^^e^^_s[e]^^o^^_s[o]^^w^^_s[e]^^e^^_s[o]^^o^^
(mouseover-replace: ?w1)[_n[w](set: _TR to it +1)(if: _TR is 16)[(replace: ?link)[(link-goto: "What is going on?", "Intro")]]]\
(mouseover-replace: ?e1)[_n[h](set: _TR to it +1)(if: _TR is 16)[(replace: ?link)[(link-goto: "What is going on?", "Intro")]]]\
(mouseover-replace: ?e2)[_n[](set: _TR to it +1)(if: _TR is 16)[(replace: ?link)[(link-goto: "What is going on?", "Intro")]]]\
(mouseover-replace: ?o1)[_n[a](set: _TR to it +1)(if: _TR is 16)[(replace: ?link)[(link-goto: "What is going on?", "Intro")]]]\
(mouseover-replace: ?o2)[_n[t ] (set: _TR to it +1)(if: _TR is 16)[(replace: ?link)[(link-goto: "What is going on?", "Intro")]]]\
(mouseover-replace: ?w2)[_n[i](set: _TR to it +1)(if: _TR is 16)[(replace: ?link)[(link-goto: "What is going on?", "Intro")]]]\
(mouseover-replace: ?e3)[_n[s ](set: _TR to it +1)(if: _TR is 16)[(replace: ?link)[(link-goto: "What is going on?", "Intro")]]]\
(mouseover-replace: ?e4)[_n[g](set: _TR to it +1)(if: _TR is 16)[(replace: ?link)[(link-goto: "What is going on?", "Intro")]]]\
(mouseover-replace: ?o3)[_n[o](set: _TR to it +1)(if: _TR is 16)[(replace: ?link)[(link-goto: "What is going on?", "Intro")]]]\
(mouseover-replace: ?o4)[_n[i](set: _TR to it +1)(if: _TR is 16)[(replace: ?link)[(link-goto: "What is going on?", "Intro")]]]\
(mouseover-replace: ?w3)[_n[n](set: _TR to it +1)(if: _TR is 16)[(replace: ?link)[(link-goto: "What is going on?", "Intro")]]]\
(mouseover-replace: ?e5)[_n[g](set: _TR to it +1)(if: _TR is 16)[(replace: ?link)[(link-goto: "What is going on?", "Intro")]]]\
(mouseover-replace: ?e6)[_n[ ](set: _TR to it +1)(if: _TR is 16)[(replace: ?link)[(link-goto: "What is going on?", "Intro")]]]\
(mouseover-replace: ?o5)[_n[o](set: _TR to it +1)(if: _TR is 16)[(replace: ?link)[(link-goto: "What is going on?", "Intro")]]]\
(mouseover-replace: ?o6)[_n[n](set: _TR to it +1)(if: _TR is 16)[(replace: ?link)[(link-goto: "What is going on?", "Intro")]]]\
(mouseover-replace: ?w4)[_n[?](set: _TR to it +1)(if: _TR is 16)[(replace: ?link)[(link-goto: "What is going on?", "Intro")]]]\
(event: when time > 15s)[''Try mouse-ing over the siren!'']\
(event: when time > 30s)[''<br>//pssst, use this//>[[Whats going on?->Intro]]'']''//Seemingly in answer to your question, a voice comes over the intercom//''
(link: "Listen to the announcement")[''//The voice calmly says//'':We are currently experiencing a power outage, the back up generators are online but not enough for the engines to function. The cause of this outage is unknown. Non-essential personnel remain in your cabin. Can [[Arthur Bent->Intro2]] please report to the command center.](link:"This must not be my problem.")[[[Go back to sleep->Start]]]
[[Get out of bed->Bedroom]]//''You get out of bed and take a look around''//
(link:"Window")[There's a rectangular blacked-out window laid into a silver metallic wall. Next to the window there is a slider. It's on the highest setting.
(link-reveal:"Setting 2")[: The window is semi-blacked-out, it looks like there is a bright yellow orange circle filling most of the windows space.]
(link-reveal:"Setting 1")[: The window is no longer blacked out, you can see what is clearly the sun and the void of space around it. It looks close, maybe too close.]]
(link:"Door")[On the opposite side of the room from the window, there's a large rectangular door with rounded edges inlaid into a silver metallic wall. The door is silver and smooth, split in half down the middle. There is a display panel to the right of the door that lights up as you approach with two greeen buttons.
(link:"Lock")[You press it, the button changes to (link-reveal:"<q>Unlock</q>")[
The button changes back to "Lock". Let's not go around in circles, okay?]]
(link:"Open")[The two halves slide apart and you see a hallway. The hallway is light by white lights on the ceiling and the walls are the same metallic silver material in your room. Across from you and down both ends of the hallway you see more doors like yours with blank panels next to them
[[Enter the hallway.->Hallway]]]]
(link:"Bed")[It's a king size bed with white pillows and gray sheets. Completely unremarkable.
Go back to sleep? [[Yes.->Start]]]
(link:"Nighstand")[A gray nightstand the same height as the bed with a lamp on top, a picture of a family you do not recognize, and the alarm clock from earlier.]
(link:"Closet")[It's a closet. With clothes. And spare sheets and pillow cases. Gray jumpsuits with white accenting that look like work clothes and casual wear like jeans, sweatpants, and various graphic tees for things from pop culture and nerd culture fill the closet.]
(link:"Desk")[A clean and well organized gray desk with a comfortable chair on wheels seated in front of it. There are drawers but they are locked. On top of the desk is a generic desk lamp, a picture of a family you do not recognize, some pencils and erasers, and a closed laptop.
(link:"Open the laptop")[The laptop is on the login screen. In the upper right you see that the laptop is at 98% battery and charging even though it is not plugged into anything. You also see that the date is 3/14/2037 and the laptop is connected to a network. There is a clipart circuit board user icon, text that says "Welcome back Arthur!", and a dialog box marked "Password" in the center of the screen.]]//''As you enter the hallway there is a sudden flash of bright white light.
Then the sound of an explosion.
Then the room suddenly and explosively decompresses. You feel yourself and the air around the air around you get sucked out into the void of space.
All you can see is the glory of Sol and the void of space. You feel the heat of the sun tearing up your skin and you feel yourself quickly suffocating.
But, [[right when you think your about to go->Start]]''//